Thursday, September 5, 2013

Workout In A Jiff

I understand, now more than ever, that it can be TOUGH to fit in a workout! I'm a mom of ONE who only works outside of the home on occassion. I can't imagine how working moms or moms of several children do it! Babies and kids demand so much of your time... BUT, it's still so important that we give ourselves a little break from mommy duty to focus on us!

Working out will not only shape your body but also your mood. Letting off some steam and focusing on yourself will help you to be a better mom, wife and friend. Here's a hard workout that you can do at home in 20 minutes! Do it while the kids are at school, while the baby is napping... or you can just set the baby in his/her bouncer and let him/her watch you. Our baby, Tilman, loves watching me workout. He gets excited and kicks his legs when I jump and do plyometric exercises... this gives me more motivation!


1 minute burpees

50 stationary squats, fast
50 push-ups (Knees are fine. Take as many breaks as you need)

50 crunches
50 squat hops (take as many breaks as you need)

1 minute burpees

1 minute wall sit
1 minute plank

50 stationary lunges on each leg

1 minute high knees

1 minute side plank (1 minute on each side)
50 tricep dips (take as many breaks as you need)

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