Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Different IS Great!

Clearly, I love working out and healthy eating... hence the blog. I've been super into fitness since high school and I've never looked back. I'm a very dedicated, routine person so I rarely miss a workout... even when traveling, I always bring my running shoes... Here are some pics of me and my hubby in China, running the streets. We got lost and ended up doing 7 miles - my hubby almost died (literally...we called a Chinese doctor! He never runs but supports me and my ideas & he wouldn't let me run alone. He said it wasn't safe... turns out him running with me was less safe haha!)

Anyway, I've learned to adapt and fit in a workout despite most obstacles. I'll wake early, stay up late, etc.. I get it done.

This is not to brag, but to inspire and show you that it might be hard, but you can squeeze it in. I find that many times, my modified, squeezed-in workouts are better than the planned out, routine ones!

Since having children, this has become more true than ever before. I don't have a routine! Routine for me is doing whatever my babies need me to do - that can change from one second to the next. Working out with a wild toddler and a newborn is hard, but it's an important part of my day because it's the only 15-30 minutes that I have to work on me... this doesn't mean it's time to myself cause my workouts are rarely done alone - Tilman is usually my weight for squats, lunges and shoulder press haha! Or he's my motivator telling me to hurry up and finish so we can play trucks - making me run faster or do burpees at an insane speed. Every day and every workout is different. It all depends on my baby's moods... and I love that! It keeps things interesting and it keeps my body guessing.

Since having kids, I'm more comfortable in my body and I have more muscle definition than before! I think much of this is because I'm always changing my workout and doing less cardio (which can burn off muscle!!)

Anyway... they say different is good...I'd say different is great!

Here are a couple of my mama workouts...

*Simply run up and down your staircase 50 times! Finish with 100 crunches.
- Perfect for nap time or have your toddler ahng with you and cheer you on. Til loves this and tells me to do more haha!

Holding your toddler....but BE SAFE!
4 sets of the following
Lunges (be sure to keep your balance)
Shoulder or chest press
Pelvic lifts with toddler sitting on your hips

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