Monday, March 11, 2013

Easy Yummy Lettuce Wraps

Once again... I was having a craving! I've been wanting chicken lettuce wraps for a couple days now, but I didn't want to go out to eat to get them. Most restaurant lettuce wraps have lots of hidden sugar. If I'm going to eat sugar, it's going to be in a sweet treat, not dinner! Pei Wei's lettuce wraps have 26 grams of sugar w/o additional sauce. To put that into perspective, 1/2C ice cream has about the same (depending on the flavor). The lettuce wraps I made have about 2 grams of sugar per serving and they are ohhh so good!

After going to 3 grocery stores, ALL were out of ground chicken... so I went for lean ground turkey instead and it worked wonderfully!! You could also use beef or tempeh.

Makes 4 servings
What you need:
1LB ground lean turkey (chicken, beef or tempeh will work)
1 can sliced water chestnuts
1/2 diced sweet onion or scallions
1C diced mushrooms
2TBSP low sodium soy sauce
4TBSP rice vinegar
3TBSP oyster sauce
Large lettuce leaves
2TBSP spicy chili sauce
1C brown rice
extra veggies to add to meat mix: diced eggplant, red bell pepper
sesame seeds to top (I used poppyseeds cause we were out of sesame ;-))

How to:
Spray skillet with non-stick spray or 1TBSP sesame oil. Add diced onion, mushrooms & any additional veggies, then add meat - cook 5 minutes. Pour in soy sauce, rice vinegar & oyster sauce... cover with a lid - simmer on medium 5-10 minutes until meat begins to brown. Remove lid and continue to cook. Use spatula to break meat up.
In the meantime, cook rice (if you are using it).

Once meat mix and rice are done, spoon rice into lettuce leaves and top w/ meat mixture. Add a drizzle of oyster sauce or spicy chili sauce. Crunch away!!

Optional dipping sauces: chinese mustard, oyster sauce, soy sauce, hoisin sauce

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