Monday, October 13, 2014

Best Pot Roast EVER

I'm picky when it comes to meat...  like my beef grass-fed & hormone free! Even better is buying the cow straight from a local farm... that's what we have been doing and it's sooo awesome! We went in with a friend and split 1/2 of a cow, so our freezer was packed with steaks, ground beef, roasts, ribs & stew meat and it's all from a natural, grass-fed, hormone free Corriente cow. This type of cow is athletic and very lean, which means the meat is also extremely lean! Yay!

If you're in Utah, here's where we get our meat

We went through the meat, fast! But we still have some rump roast left. Last night, we put that to work and made the best Pot Roast I have ever had! It's so easy, few ingredients, little work and it made a ton.... LEFTOVERS!! Yippie, I don't have to cook for a few days.

Also, Tilman loves loves loves the beef!! He now tries to say beef and when he sees me pull out the tupperware from the fridge (full of roast), he climbs into his high chair for a bite.

SO, here's the recipe


What you need:
1 rump roast - I prefer grass-fed/hormone free
1 yellow onion, cut into slices (not diced)
2C baby carrots, whole
5-7 celery stalks, cut into 1-2 inch chunks
salt & pepper to taste
1TBSP cumin
2 cloves garlic, minced

How to: Simple simple... put everything in the slow cooker on medium for 6-8 hours. Don't open the lid!! The more it cooks, the more tender it gets. Dive in!!

I have a confession.... I didn't have a single part in making this meal ;-/ ... I only ATE it haha! THANK YOU TO MY AMAZING HUSBAND FOR THE AWESOME RECIPE & MEAL!!

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